
5 Keys to justify our creative decisions

As we work with demanding clients, we feel the need to be more precise, safe, and articulate to justify our creative decisions, otherwise we run the risk of not achieving compliance and acceptance of our proposal. As professionals we can not allow progress whenever they submit a design, we can not sustain or justify our actions creative, first because this would cause left to the mercy of a...

5 Good Web Design Tips for a Successful Online Business

If you want to succeed online, you should create a stunning website that will make your visitors stick with you. Here are 5 good web design tips for a successful online business: 1. Use CMS for easy website management Unless you don't intend to build a website that is constantly updated, you should consider using content management system to manage your website. There are various platforms that...

3 Key Considerations When Designing A Website

'You shouldn't judge a book by its cover' is an adage that updates readily to the web age. People visit websites to buy products and services, gather information or interact with others over social media channels. Very seldom do people pay specific attention to the design of a website, except in two circumstances: Exceptional Website Design If you've created a really original, innovative or...

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